Invalid log webstatino

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  • #15513

    Invalid username and password. I enter the same username and password in the database as in the instance, but I get that error in the log…

    Here are the configurations for each one, the secret key is the same

    `<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <DefaultTimeZone>Argentina Standard Time</DefaultTimeZone>
    <DefaultStartPage />
    <Name>Default Connection</Name>
    <AutoLoginUsername />

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <EnableFormulasObjNums />
    <Module code=”ModArcBasic” />
    <Module code=”ModArcPostgreSql” />
    <Archive active=”true” code=”Cur” name=”Current data” kind=”Current” module=”ModArcBasic”>
    <Option name=”FlushPeriod” value=”30″ />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”UseCopyDir” value=”false” />
    <Archive active=”true” code=”Min” name=”Minute archive” kind=”Historical” module=”ModArcBasic”>
    <Option name=”IsPeriodic” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
    <Option name=”UseCopyDir” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”WriteWithPeriod” value=”true” />
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    <Option name=”WritingOffsetUnit” value=”Second” />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriod” value=”1″ />
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    <Option name=”IsPeriodic” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
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    <Option name=”UseCopyDir” value=”false” />
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    <Option name=”WritingOffset” value=”0″ />
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    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
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    <Option name=”WriteWithPeriod” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”WritingOffset” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”WritingOffsetUnit” value=”Hour” />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriod” value=”24″ />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriodUnit” value=”Hour” />
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    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
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    <Option name=”Connection” value=”” />
    <Option name=”IsPeriodic” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PartitionSize” value=”OneMonth” />
    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
    <Option name=”UseDefaultConn” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”WriteWithPeriod” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”WritingOffset” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”WritingOffsetUnit” value=”Second” />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriod” value=”1″ />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriodUnit” value=”Minute” />
    <Archive active=”false” code=”HourCopy” name=”Hourly archive copy” kind=”Historical” module=”ModArcPostgreSql”>
    <Option name=”BatchSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”Connection” value=”” />
    <Option name=”IsPeriodic” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PartitionSize” value=”OneMonth” />
    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
    <Option name=”UseDefaultConn” value=”true” />
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    <Option name=”WritingOffset” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”WritingOffsetUnit” value=”Minute” />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriod” value=”1″ />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriodUnit” value=”Hour” />
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    <Option name=”BatchSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”Connection” value=”” />
    <Option name=”IsPeriodic” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PartitionSize” value=”OneMonth” />
    <Option name=”PullToPeriod” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
    <Option name=”UseDefaultConn” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”WriteWithPeriod” value=”true” />
    <Option name=”WritingOffset” value=”0″ />
    <Option name=”WritingOffsetUnit” value=”Hour” />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriod” value=”24″ />
    <Option name=”WritingPeriodUnit” value=”Hour” />
    <Archive active=”false” code=”EventsCopy” name=”Event archive copy” kind=”Events” module=”ModArcPostgreSql”>
    <Option name=”BatchSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”Connection” value=”” />
    <Option name=”LogEnabled” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”MaxQueueSize” value=”1000″ />
    <Option name=”PartitionSize” value=”OneMonth” />
    <Option name=”ReadOnly” value=”false” />
    <Option name=”Retention” value=”365″ />
    <Option name=”UseDefaultConn” value=”true” />



    The default user name and password are listed in this article. If you change the defaults, please provide screenshots of the new settings and log files.



    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Server started
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Storage FileStorage loaded from file C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaServer\FileStorage.dll
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Start logic processing
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] The configuration database has been read successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][INF] Number of active channels for archiving: 6
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][INF] Number of active channels for sending commands: 0
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Compile the source code of scripts and formulas
    2024-10-14 09:51:24 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Added the following dependencies:
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\netstandard.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.Console.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.Linq.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.Private.CoreLib.dll
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\8.0.10\System.Runtime.dll
    C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaServer\ScadaCommon.dll
    C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaServer\ScadaServerEngine.dll
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] The source code of scripts and formulas has been compiled successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Module ModArcBasic loaded from file C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaServer\Mod\ModArcBasic.Logic.dll
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Module ModArcPostgreSql loaded from file C:\Program Files\SCADA\ScadaServer\Mod\ModArcPostgreSql.Logic.dll
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Archive Cur initialized successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Archive Min initialized successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Archive Hour initialized successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Archive Events initialized successfully
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Start listener on port 10000
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][INF] Archive in DAT format: C:\Program Files\SCADA\Archive
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][INF] Archive copy in DAT format: C:\Program Files\SCADA\ArchiveCopy
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Delete outdated data from the Min archive older than 15/10/2023
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Delete outdated data from the Hour archive older than 15/10/2023
    2024-10-14 09:51:26 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Delete outdated data from the Events archive older than 15/10/2023
    2024-10-14 09:51:29 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Session with ID 919218508979413905 created
    2024-10-14 09:51:29 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Client connected
    2024-10-14 09:51:29 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] User ScadaComm is successfully authenticated
    2024-10-14 09:51:31 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Client disconnected
    2024-10-14 09:51:31 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Session with ID -780509678390661647 created
    2024-10-14 09:51:31 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] Client connected
    2024-10-14 09:51:31 [VICTORIO][VICTORIO$][ACT] User ScadaComm is successfully authenticated


    2024-10-14 07:53:19 [VICTORIO][Usuario][ACT] Receive the configuration database
    2024-10-14 07:53:19 [VICTORIO][Usuario][ERR] Error checking server connection:
    Incorrect format of data received from the server: data length is too big


    eliminate please..

    error post


    Please provide screenshots of the new settings.

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