Install exe. file Rapid Scada on Raspberry PI 3

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    I’m trying to install rapid scada on my raspberry pi. But i can’t open the scadasetup.exe file? Does anyone know how i can read and open exe. files?



    You should use the other installation package for Linux. It contains the instructions how to install.


    Oke thanks, but now im trying to install it with the instructions list. But i dont get step 1 and 2?

    1- Copy all the files of rapid scada mono from scada folder to /opt/scada
    Where can i find the /opt/scada folder?

    2- Copy the scripts from daemons folder to /etc/init.d
    Where can i find the /etc/init.d folder?

    So i’m have no idea where to copy that files
    and then step 3 also does not work.


    Use WinSCP for copying.
    /opt/scada in on RPi filesystem


    Can someone tell me how these steps work?
    i see no map with the name /opt/scada and /etc/init.d ?

    Installation of Rapid SCADA on Raspberry Pi
    1. Copy all the files of Rapid SCADA Mono from scada folder to /opt/scada

    2. Copy the scripts from daemons folder to /etc/init.d

    3. Grant full access to the following folders of Webstation application:

    sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /opt/scada/ScadaWeb/log
    sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /opt/scada/ScadaWeb/storage


    What OS do you use on your RPi?


    Hi Mikhail,

    thanks for the work you have done and you’re doing with Rapid Scada.
    I’m join this conversation in order to answer to your last question.

    I’m using a RaspberryPi 3 Model B, and I would like to install Rapid Scada on it. It seems that it’s possible with Linux. But I would like to use Windows 10 IoT Core. Is it possible to install Rapid Scada with this OS on RPi ?

    Thanks for your help


    According to my experience with Win 10 IoT, it is impossible to install usual release of Rapid SCADA to this OS. The cause is that Win 10 IoT has no “normal” .NET. The applications must be written as Windows Universal Application. More over, and the biggest problem that Win 10 IoT doesn’t include web server to deploy the web app of Rapid SCADA.

    May be something changes after I experimented with Win 10 IoT. It would be great, if you share you experience.


    Thanks Mikhail for your answer.
    I’ll try on Win 10 ioT and I’ll let you know if anything changed. Anyway I’ll concentrate on Linux installation.

    Shailesh Singh

    Also i have same problem ? please help me how to install sacada software in raspberry pi 3 using Windows 10 iot.??


    Answered here.

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