I want to Display the exact date and time when event occurs. In Administrator i have selected channel type as hourly real. i am getting wrong date (30/12/1899) and time (00.00.00). Please help me to display exact date and time.
Ex: Event: High Temperature : 70°C
Date of Event Occur: 27/02/2019
Time of Event Occur : 10:35:40
I am trying to display Date and Time.
I set up an input channel for this type Real, formula EncodeDate(DateTime.Now) and format Date and Time. Please see image of Administrator:
Is it possible to display the DayOfWeek? I tried EncodeDate(DateTime.DayOfWeek) but it prompts “invalid argument”. It seems that enum constants cannot be converted to double ones.
I creat my own unit in the Units table, and then an input channel (calculated real) with the format “Enum text” and my own unit. Now the string value of DayOfWeek is displayed perfectly on the web page. THX a lot.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Mikhail.