ScadaComm error


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  • #8030

    After porting ready project from Windows to Linux server, I can’t start ScadaComm. I have an error in ScadaCommSvc.log

    2021-01-15 07:32:59 <shm2><root><ACT> ScadaCommService is started
    2021-01-15 07:32:59 <shm2><root><ACT> Load device library: KpSimulator.dll
    2021-01-15 07:33:00 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to SCADA-Server “”
    2021-01-15 07:33:01 <shm2><root><EXC> Error connecting to SCADA-Server: Operation on non-blocking socket would block
    2021-01-15 07:33:01 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect from SCADA-Server
    2021-01-15 07:33:01 <shm2><root><ERR> Unable to start operation due to SCADA-Server communication error.
    Delay before trying again
    2021-01-15 07:33:11 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to SCADA-Server “”
    2021-01-15 07:33:12 <shm2><root><EXC> Error connecting to SCADA-Server: Operation on non-blocking socket would block
    2021-01-15 07:33:12 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect from SCADA-Server
    2021-01-15 07:33:12 <shm2><root><ERR> Unable to start operation due to SCADA-Server communication error.
    Delay before trying again

    In Views on Website I have Internal Server Error(500).

    Thank you.



    Likely SCADA-Server can’t start. You should check its log. Make sure that you changed server directories in the project before uploading (Server – Common Parameters).


    You should check its log. Make sure that you changed server directories in the project before uploading (Server – Common Parameters).

    Yes, I change it.

    ScadaServer logs.
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> ScadaServerService is started
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Check the existence of the data directories is completed successfully
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Check the existence of the configuration database files is completed successfully
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Input channels are read from the configuration database. Active channel count: 10
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Ouput channels are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Users are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 08:04:23 <shm2><root><ACT> Formulas are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 08:04:24 <shm2><root><ACT> The formulas source code has been compiled
    2021-01-15 08:04:24 <shm2><root><ACT> Connection listener is started
    2021-01-15 08:04:24 <shm2><root><ACT> Start server
    2021-01-15 08:04:24 <shm2><root><ACT> Current data are loaded

    ScadaServer Settings.
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <!–Common Parameters–>
    <Param name=”TcpPort” value=”10000″ descr=”TCP port number” />
    <Param name=”UseAD” value=”false” descr=”Use Active Directory for users authentication” />
    <Param name=”LdapPath” value=”LDAP://server” descr=”Domain controller server path” />
    <Param name=”DetailedLog” value=”false” descr=”Write detailed information to the log” />
    <Param name=”BaseDATDir” value=”/opt/scada/BaseDAT/” descr=”The configuration database in DAT format directory” />
    <Param name=”ItfDir” value=”/opt/scada/Interface/” descr=”The interface directory” />
    <Param name=”ArcDir” value=”/opt/scada/ArchiveDAT/” descr=”The archive in DAT format directory” />
    <Param name=”ArcCopyDir” value=”/opt/scada/ArchiveDATCopy/” descr=”The archive copy in DAT format directory” />
    <!–Saving Parameters–>
    <Param name=”WriteCurPer” value=”1″ descr=”Current data writing period, sec” />
    <Param name=”InactUnrelTime” value=”5″ descr=”Unreliable on inactivity, min” />
    <Param name=”WriteCur” value=”true” descr=”Write current data” />
    <Param name=”WriteCurCopy” value=”true” descr=”Write current data copy” />
    <Param name=”WriteMinPer” value=”60″ descr=”Minute data writing period, sec” />
    <Param name=”StoreMinPer” value=”365″ descr=”Minute data storing period, days” />
    <Param name=”WriteMin” value=”true” descr=”Write minute data” />
    <Param name=”WriteMinCopy” value=”true” descr=”Write minute data copy” />
    <Param name=”WriteHrPer” value=”60″ descr=”Hourly data writing period, min” />
    <Param name=”StoreHrPer” value=”365″ descr=”Hourly data storing period, days” />
    <Param name=”WriteHr” value=”true” descr=”Write hourly data” />
    <Param name=”WriteHrCopy” value=”true” descr=”Write hourly data copy” />
    <Param name=”StoreEvPer” value=”365″ descr=”Events storing period, days” />
    <Param name=”WriteEv” value=”true” descr=”Write events” />
    <Param name=”WriteEvCopy” value=”true” descr=”Write events copy” />
    <Modules />


    I see that ScadaWeb and ScadaServer are working still on ‘localhost’, is it correct? In case of Scada installation of my Linux server?

    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Initialize common web application data
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Connect to SCADA-Server “localhost”
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Refresh the tables of the configuration database
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Fill input channels properties
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Fill output channels properties
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><www-data><ACT> Fill input channel statuses properties

    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> ScadaServerService is started
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Check the existence of the data directories is completed successfully
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Check the existence of the configuration database files is completed successfully
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Input channels are read from the configuration database. Active channel count: 10
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Ouput channels are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Users are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Formulas are read from the configuration database
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> The formulas source code has been compiled
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Connection listener is started
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Start server
    2021-01-15 15:54:27 <shm2><root><ACT> Current data are loaded
    2021-01-15 16:02:40 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:02:40 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:02:40 <shm2><root><ACT> Check username and password for admin. Result: passed
    2021-01-15 16:02:45 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:02:45 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:02:50 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:02:50 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:02:55 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:02:55 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:03:02 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:03:02 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:03:09 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:03:09 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:03:40 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:03:45 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:03:50 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:03:56 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:04:03 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:04:09 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:06:38 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:06:38 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:06:44 <shm2><root><ACT> Check username and password for admin. Result: passed
    2021-01-15 16:06:48 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:06:48 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:06:56 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:06:56 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><root><ACT> Connect to client
    2021-01-15 16:07:03 <shm2><root><ACT> The user ScadaWeb is successfully authenticated
    2021-01-15 16:07:44 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:07:49 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:07:56 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client
    2021-01-15 16:08:03 <shm2><root><ACT> Disconnect client


    I see that ScadaWeb and ScadaServer are working still on ‘localhost’, is it correct?

    “localhost” means the current server. If all the apps are installed on the same server, it’s OK.


    I’m not sure, that I understand the idea.

    Scada is installed on Remote Linux server (, as WebServer is Apache.
    But additionaly Scada is configureted in cooperation with localhost.

    I’m sorry for misunderstanding Web&Server administrations is new for me.


    Hello Mr. Mikhail,

    I had a scada communicator error problem, then I tried to run the “Hello world” project but it also didn’t work.
    help me please.
    thank you


    The log file says Communicator cannot connect to the SCADA-Server service.
    Also check ScadaServer.log
    In general, I suggest to use Rapid SCADA 6 instead of 5.

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