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  • #8325

    Question one: Failure of link plugin
    1、 Demand:Pass input and output parameters to the calling page through the link plugin
    2、 matter:
    (1) The first-level page uses the link control to bind the second-level dialog box according to View Id.The link property Input channels configures one or more input and output channel parameters. When the second-level dialog box is not configured, the second-level dialog box cannot display data and the command button of the dialog box does not respond.
    (2) No output channel

    3、Operation process:
    Configure link attributes on the first level page, as shown in Figure 1:
    Figure 1 the first level page

    The secondary dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2:
    Figure 2 the second level page

    Question two: The button plugin is not be pressed (set to 1) and pop up (set to 0) operations
    1、 Demand: Hope the button plugin supports pressing (set 1) and pop up (set 0) operations
    2、 matter:
    The page uses the button plugin to only configure the input and output channel parameters, and the type of sending commands. The button plugin cannot support both press (set 1) and pop up (set 0) events at the same time.
    3、 Operation process:
    Configure the button plugin properties, as shown in Figure 3:
    Figure 3 the button plugin properties

    The operation button plugin has only close and open functions, no other button functions can be configured, as shown in Figure 4:
    Figure 4 the button plugin function


    Demand:Pass input and output parameters to the calling page through the link plugin

    When you specify ViewID to navigate by a link component, input channels are ignored.
    To use input channels as parameters, set ViewID=0 and set the URL property. For example, mypage.html?param1={0}&param2={1}
    where {0}, {1} are the indexes of the specified input channels.

    Demand: Hope the button plugin supports pressing (set 1) and pop up (set 0) operations

    A button component supports only sending commands and opening charts. To open a popup use link component. You can change link properties to display it in button style.

    If you open the same view by clicking the explorer tree node, does it work correctly?

    The operation button plugin has only close and open functions, no other button functions can be configured, as shown in Figure 4:

    Buttons for a command can be specified by editing the Output channel table of the configuration database.


    Demand: Hope the button plugin supports pressing (set 1) and pop up (set 0) operations

    If you mean 2 state button, like a toggle switch, use dynamic picture or toggle component.


    Dear Mikhail,
    I have a new question to ask.
    Question:configure the link component, the second-level dialog box does not display data, and no pop-up box appears when the button is clicked.
    Operation process:Configure the View ID in the link component properties as the scheme index displayed in the secondary dialog, Input channels configure one or more input channel parameters, Target configure the popup, and the component properties of the secondary dialog will not be configured. As a result, the text component in the secondary dialog box does not display data, and the button component clicks without a pop-up box.
    Configure link properties as shown in Figure 1:
    The secondary dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 2:
    Please show a correct example, preferably with a screenshot of the configuration steps.Thanks!


    Link component doesn’t display data.

    you can add a few dynamic text to display data and dynamic picture to display icons, and align them under the link component.

    set z index them, depending on you preference of which one on top.



    Question:configure the link component, the second-level dialog box does not display data, and no pop-up box appears when the button is clicked.

    Please make a screenshot of the dynamic text properties that is located on the popup. Did you set the Input channel property of this component? It’s required to show values.


    Not set the Input channel.Can’t the channel number of the data-input channels in the link component properties be passed as a parameter to the dynamic text component in the popup?


    No. But scheme templates may help (scroll the page down to Scheme Templates).


    Thank you for your help. 
    The scheme templates didn’t help me.Can you develop or improve this function of passing parameters?


    How many different input channels you need to open using this approach?
    Do you need to add several links on the parent scheme, and each link is open the same child scheme having corresponding input channels?


    Hello,Thank you for your answer. We have solved this problem,but there are still questions for you.
    For the dynamic picture or toggle component,I do not mean 2 state button.I want a component that can execute 2 events with one click(as the example shown in Figure 1) at a time.Is there any component that realizes this kind of function at present, if so, how to use it, if not, can you please develop a button component with this kind of function?
    Figure 1:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by huang.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by huang.


    Using Automatic Control Module it’s possible to send 2 commands by one button click. But scheme buttons can execute an action only on press down. For SCADA systems, especially web based, having 2 events (button down and button up) is a bad approach because it can cause sending wrong commands.

    What action do you need to run on such buttons?


    Thanks, I want to implement the reset function.


    For example, to control the state of the gate, when opening the gate, click the open button to close and then open; when closing the gate, click the close button to open and then close. Can these two actions be implemented in one action?

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