JS file debug in MQTT integration

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    Hi, I am working on an MQTT implementation and need to debug the JS file, but I can’t find a log output, feedback, or something like that. Also, the code I’m implementing works fine with the same JSON in another environment.

    JS file in Communicator/Configuration Files/:

    function base64ToArrayBytes(base64) {
        var binaryString = atob(base64);
        var bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length);
        var buffer_data = []
        for (var i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
            let buffer_binary = "0000000" + binaryString.charCodeAt(i).toString(2)
            let buffer_n_bin = buffer_binary.length 
            buffer_binary = buffer_binary.substr(buffer_n_bin - 8)
        return buffer_data;
    let dispo = JSON.parse(payload)
    let fcnt = dispo.fCnt
    let data_base64 = dispo.data
    let data_bytes = base64ToArrayBytes(data_base64)
    //setValue(0, dispo.fCnt)
    //setValue(1, dispo.fCnt)
    //setValue(2, dispo.fCnt)
    //setValue(3, dispo.fCnt)
    //setValue(4, dispo.fCnt)
    //setValue(5, dispo.fCnt)
    setValue(6, fcnt)

    Use the log function as shown here.

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