IP address And System Time

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  • #16061

    RapidScada ended up running on Linux machines,
    1. I would like to ask how to display the IP address of each network port of the device in the rapidScada View? And how do you set the IP address to static and specify the IP address?
    2. How can I write the time data to the Linux system in View and set the time?

    Thank you so much for your help. Thank you

    • This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by Mikhail.

    Enter “ip addr show” on the Linux command line to display all ip addresses
    So how do I write all the ipV4 addresses into the channel, and how do I configure Linux to be static ip addresses? Thank you



    how to display the IP address of each network port of the device in the rapidScada View?

    Put a static text label on a scheme, for example. You cannot access device properties from a view.

    How can I write the time data to the Linux system in View and set the time?

    Create a channel of the calculate type. Use Now() as an input formula of the channel. Choose proper channel format.


    how do I configure Linux to be static ip addresses?

    Probably, this question is not related to Rapid SCADA configuring.

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