Hi, I think it’s a feature related to modbus protocol.
Each element group equals 1 modbus request command, which can only get upto 100 consecutive address.
to add 30001, 30004, 30006, it can be done by adding 1 element group of read holding register (0x03) with starting elelment address 1 and elelment count of 6.
when creating input channels, singals 1,4,6 can be used while singals 2,3,5 can be ignored.
this is the fastest way because there will be only 1 modbus request.
another way is to add 3 element gourps of read holding register (0x03) with starting address 1,4,6 respectively.
this way is slower beacause there will be 3 requests.
you will slao need to config the dalay between each requst in communication line settings.