How to retrieve data from the Channels table in a custom module?

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    How can I retrieve data from the Channels table in a custom module’s View? I don’t need to modify it, I just want to read some of its properties to provide convenient configuration options for the user.


    Cnl CnlArc = ServerContext.Cnls.ArcCnls.Values.Where(x => x.CnlNum == cnlNum).FirstOrDefault();

    It is possible to get from the Scada Module in this way through the required channels.
    where is CnlNum the channel number you need

    There are 4 types of channel lists
    ArcCnls – all channels that can be saved in the database
    CnlOut – output channels only
    Calculated and another one where the input channels are

                // Каналы Archive - все Input, InputOutput, Calculated, CalculatedOutput
                    Cnl CnlArc = ServerContext.Cnls.ArcCnls.Values.Where(x => x.CnlNum == cnlNum).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (CnlArc != null)
                        if (!dictCnl.ContainsKey(Name)) // Сразу добавлять в словарь наверное не получится, так как неизвестен поток ??? Известна программа
                            dictCnl.Add(Name, CnlArc);
                    moduleLog.WriteLine($"НЕТ ArcCnls"); // TEST
                // Каналы Output
                    Cnl CnlOut = ServerContext.Cnls.OutCnls.Values.Where(x => x.CnlNum == cnlNum).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (CnlOut != null)
                        if (!dictCnl.ContainsKey(Name))
                            dictCnl.Add(Name, CnlOut);
                    moduleLog.WriteLine($"НЕТ OutCnls"); // TEST

    So I add the channels I need to my dictionaries as an example.

    Next, you can study Cnl CnlArc and take the necessary actions depending on the Data Types, format, etc.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by manjey73.

    The configuration database is available for a module view. Check this source code.

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