Generating Demo Data for Simulation

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  • #7310

    Hi all,

    i would like to make a demo system, simulating 9-10 tags for 24 hours and then repeating them.

    1. Should i use the KPSimulation Module? (How do we use it to generate data?)
    2. Shall i generate the simulated values in a database and the import them via DBImport module?
    3. Or is there another tool/solution you know, which i could use for this purpose, like a Modbus or OPC simulator, where i can set the value range and read them then via modbus or opc into RapidScada?



    If I were you, I would take the source code of KPSimulator and change it to generate values as needed. The HelloWorld project demonstrates how to use this driver.

    As I know, free Matrikon OPC Simulation Server also generates different values.

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