The farm management module for Rapid Scada is designed to manage technological processes.
The module is designed to replace equipment such as Orion Hotraco Agri, Rotem Control and Management and others like it. At the same time, combining the functionality of management, monitoring and other functionality available in Rapid Scada of your choice.
I am not a specialist or technologist in the cultivation of birds or animals. We need algorithms for all processes and adding them to the Module to expand the functionality.
The module is intended primarily for small farms that cannot afford to purchase the specified equipment.

The choice of a Group of birds or animals is made simply for convenience, it does not carry any load yet, perhaps additional functionality will appear in the future.
In fact, the module can be used to control any devices that have nothing to do with birds or animals.
Написание собственных алгоритмов для выполнения программ
If you have any questions about the purchase, please email:
The price starts from 200$
The basic version includes a license for 5 devices. The number of running programs for the device is unlimited.
The license for subsequent devices is 30$
It is possible to purchase in installments. The terms are negotiable.
Discounts will be provided on an ongoing basis for integrators who will provide various control algorithms (code, description of the algorithm, how it should work, etc.).
The code of the interface part is open on GitHub –
You can use it in your projects for Modules and Drivers if necessary.
ModFarm v6.3.0.1