Export channel name

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    I notice that the query that it is used in rapid scada export only values.

    INSERT INTO events_test (event_id, time_stamp, hidden, cnl_num, obj_num, device_num, prev_cnl_val, prev_cnl_stat, cnl_val, cnl_stat, severity,ack_required, ack, ack_timestamp, ack_user_id, text_format, event_text, event_data, cnl_name)
    VALUES (@eventID, @timestamp, @hidden, @cnlNum, @objNum, @deviceNum, @prevCnlVal, @prevCnlStat, @cnlVal, @cnlStat, @severity)

    Is there any solution or specific query I can use to export other useful data like the channel names ? I tried to add it in the query but it doesn’t work.


    @ackRequired, @ack, @ackTimestamp, @ackUserID, @textFormat, @eventText, @eventData)



    DB export module works with current data, historical data and events.
    If you need to export the configuration database:
    1. If PostgreSQL is used, export can be done by few clicks from Administrator.
    2. For other databases, export tables to CSV using Administrator. Then import CSV to database by some external tools (example).



    My question is how I can export channel names using MySQL events query without doing it externally. If you take a look at the “ModDbExport.en-GB.xml” file, you’ll notice that the exported data doesn’t include the channel name because there may not be a line of code that enables this task. For example, we have: “<Phrase key=”CnlNum”>Channel number</Phrase>” but not “CnlName”. Why is this the case, and how can I add it?

    Thank you.


    DB export module does not provide channel name. Adding a variable that contains channel name is not planned as it would be inefficient due to performance and disk usage. If you need a channel name, it should be requested by the channel number from a separate channel table.

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