Error: Garbage collecctor…

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  • #14674

    I have rapid scada running on a raspberry pi since a couple of years. Since a few months, it stops working from time to time. If I want to open the web interface, I get the login screen, but login doesn’t work.
    I looked at the log scada files and couldn’t find anything during the time the recording stopped, but I could find something in the syslog. In the same minute the recording stoppes, there is this entry in syslog:

    scadaserver[13306]: Error: Garbage collector could not allocate 16384u bytes of memory for major heap section.

    I didn’t update to recent version (never change a running system), the version of Scada-Server is

    Any ideas what could cause this?


    Could it be the cause of addition of more server channels ? or communicator polling comm. line ?


    Looks like an out of memory error. How long does it work after rebooting the Raspberry?
    In general, I recommend to upgrade to Rapid SCADA 6 which uses modern .NET framework.


    Sometimes it works for some weeks, sometime it crashes after a few days. I just run the scadarestart script, and it works again.

    When I upgrade to version 6, do I need new license keys? I have chart pro, automatic control and telegram driver.


    Mono framework can have memory leaks. .NET 8 is much better.

    > When I upgrade to version 6, do I need new license keys?
    First, try the existing keys. We can upgrade the keys for the same machine for free if needed.

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