Update historical data in V6

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  • #13765

    Hi Mikhail,

    Check the tools such as DatViewer-v6 and TrendTableViewer-v6 that allow to view *.dat files. Tools for editing have not been developed yet. Use ScadaTestClient-v6 to update data in archives.
    I hope that the DAT viewers will be updated to editors later.

    I want to manual update historical data in V6. From the post above, may I know is the DAT viewers / Trend Table Viewer with editor function is ready?

    Currently I am using ScadaTestClient-v6 to update historical.

    Thank you.



    At this moment there is no data editor to change *.dat files manually. ScadaTestClient should be used for this purpose.

    For bulk data update it would be more useful to develop an application that is not format dependent and can write data to any type of Rapid SCADA archive. Like importing CSV data to a specified archive.


    Hi Mikhail,

    Noted with thx.


    I have actually wrote 1 script to convert V5 .dat to .csv and to convert.csv to .dat.

    But I don’t have a very well defined .csv format for the data. timestamp and channel number are 2 axis, but each channel has 2 values (Val and Stat). putting Val and Stat in 2 separated csv file, or putting them in 2 columns in 1 file, is very inconvenient to edit.

    Any recommended format for .csv file to store the data?

    I plan to make and share a new converter for converting history data between.dat and.csv.


    Using Administrator v5 we can export to this csv https://ibb.co/jhTFJmR
    It would be useful to be able to import such file into v6.
    If channel status is 0, a cell is empty. Otherwise, let’s assume status is 1.


    DatToCsv.exe for v5 creates csv like https://ibb.co/QfcMW7Q


    I plan to make and share a new converter for converting history data between.dat and.csv.

    It would be great. It could be added to https://github.com/RapidScada/scada-community repository.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Mikhail.
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