Server Unavailable on Raspberry PI Raspbian

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  • #10701

    Hi Mikhail,
    Really need your help.. 🙁

    Firstly, i’m was successful install Rapid SCADA on my Raspberry PI on Raspbian and successfully load the “Hello World” sample project on Google Chrome browser (http://raspberrypi/scada)

    I’m try to transfer my project work on Windows to Raspbian using New Deployment profile. However, during the upload configuration, I’m accidently Tick on the Option – Include: – Server which upload the Server configuration to the Raspbian.

    After that, I’m log into again the Rapid SCADA using Google Chrome and it always show the error “Server is Unavailable”.

    Please advice me how to resolved this issue.

    Attach image: Server Status, Communicator Status, and Browser Screen

    Thank a lot.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Mikhail.

    Perhaps you are not changing Linux-specific paths to /opt/scada instead C:\SCADA


    Hi Manjey,

    I’m not sure how to changing all the specific paths to /opt/scada.

    I’m have change the Server – Common Parameters to Default for Linux before upload the configuration.

    Thank you.


    Does the Server app use TCP port 10000 to communicate with clients? It looks like Server can’t open the TCP port. May be it is in use by other service.


    Hi Mikhail,
    Any idea on how to check port 10000 use by which Services?


    netstat -ntulp

    Will show all ports that are in use and open. The latest version of raspbian may not have a package with this utility.

    On Linux, port 10000 may be occupied by Webmin if you installed it. This is its default port


    Hi Manjey,

    Thank a lot for your guidance, I’m have try change for other port, but still not working.

    At the end, I’m overwrite again the /scada/opt/ScadaServer folder. Now it is working. 🙂

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