here is error from server.
2019-05-14 20:02:34 <DESKTOP-1CTUDRI><SYSTEM><ERR> Error compiling the source code of the formulas
Line 742, column 58; error cs1501: No overload for method ‘if2’ takes 2 arguments
See the file c:\SCADA\ScadaServer\Log\CalcEngine.cs with the source code
2019-05-14 20:02:34 <DESKTOP-1CTUDRI><SYSTEM><ERR> Normal program execution is impossible
i’m create function “if2” with 3 inputs and got this error.
and here is my function.
public if2(double in1,double in2,double in3)
if(in1==0 && in2==1)
return in3;
in1 & in2 are input parameter from register via modbus and in3 is extra input that i create to database to get result from this function.
how can i solve it, please suggest.