request sequensce confusion

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    Please explain, active and bound option again in request sequence, while it is already taken in line parameter.

    2) significance of timeout and delay.

    3) delay after request cycle co relation with above, perameter.



    active and bound option again in request sequence, while it is already taken in line parameter.

    Unchecking Active disables a whole communication line or a device.
    If Bound is true the data from a communication line or from a device are sent to the SCADA-Server. Unchecking Bound of a communication line is the same as unchecking this parameter of each device.

    significance of timeout and delay

    Timeout is the time while you are waiting for the responce from your device.
    Delay is the delay after receiving data before the next request.
    They should be set experimentally to provide stable communication.

    delay after request cycle

    Additional delay after requesting all the devices of the communication line.



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