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    Sql version control tools: https://dbmstools.com/categories/version-control-tools/postgresql

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by zzz.

    If we found a sponsor, we can implement uploading a project from Administrator to PostgreSQL database.
    In my opinion, SQLite is not enough, because remote access is quite useful in many cases.


    In my opinion, SQLite is not enough, because remote access is quite useful in many cases.

    If its ORM based. SQLite is just the RDBMS backends for minimum setup. User can change to other choice at their will. Nowadays many db backed projects don’t require particular backends.

    If we found a sponsor, we can implement uploading a project from Administrator to PostgreSQL database.

    I use python more often. I can do export with pythonnet.
    But programatically manipulating many configuration with sql is much easier than manipulating many xml files directly.

    Let’s say there is a project with 50 machines, each machine with 10 different sensor of 7 different types and 2 control module. The channel numbers are referened in formulas. Each sensor type has a unique formula.

    If this project configuration is in a RDBMS, one can write a simple script with 2 loops to populate entries into the database InChannel and related table.

    Changed mind on the channel numbering scheme? Modify a few line of code, TRUNCATE and reINSERT into the database, instead of messing with all the xml files and UI entries.

    Update one particular type of sensor’s setup on all machines? Use 1 UDPATE state with proper condition, instead of editing in UI or search/replace with great caution in a text editor.

    The previous method’ results are consistent, even errors are likely to be easier to spot due to that consistency. Errors in latter case methods are random and hard to spot.

    The ability to do simple scripting easily, can bring great relife on inital project setup for real-life scaled project. And RDBMS with clean schema make that naturally available.


    In Rapid SCADA v4 we used MSSQL Compact for storing configuration database. It is very close to SQLite. This approach was so inconvenient. I agree that SQL is a powerful language, but comparing pros and cons, the file based projects that can be easily uploaded and downloaded are preferable.

    It’s possible to use an RDBMS instead of BaseDAT\*.dat as a runtime data source. We will implement it if found a sponsor.


    will the v6 use blazor?
    there is a project ant-design-blazor.
    it is a good idea to use this project.


    We already made a mistake when developed on Silverlight. I guess, Blazor is an reincarnation of Silverlight ))


    you are right.
    there is no much developer using blazor.
    the best way may be Vue React or Anjular



    The mentioned frameworks are good.

    The choice between single page application and multi page application. Every approach has has its own advantages and disadvantages. Will see.

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