Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe Device ID (Slave ID) looks correct, since you can connect and get data.
The issue with incorrect data you encountered could be the holding register address instead of the Device ID.
On your 1st screenshot, the address test software is 0 based, and use 40000 data block as holdings register.
While Rapid SCADA administrator is 1 based, and use 03h function code as holding register.
40 holding registers from 40080 on your test app equals 40 registers from 81 of 03h function on scada settings ui.
ParticipantAssuming you are using scada as TCP client type, goto the following settting,
Communication Lines – Line Options – Main Options – Properties, uncheck the “stay connected” option
And don’t forget to set the interval “Delay after pooling cycle”
Participant机器码和mac地址,计算机名称等有关。 多网卡下,用任意网络都可以访问。
Participantchange the channel type form “input/output” to “input”
Participantport 10000 could be used by the “YunDectectService” by Baidu Drive (百度网盘).
1. stop the process YunDectectService
2. disable auto start of service YunDectectServiceJW
ParticipantGmail basically will block your email even you enable “less secure app access”, it’s very hard to find this setting in gmail account setting.
Outlook will allow you send email, when you enable similar “less secure app access”. But after about 10 emails, Outlook will block you as spam, you will need to enable it again manually. Then you can use it for a long time.
Best way is use your own server as zzz suggested
ParticipantV6 Linux version does not have the native Administrator App.
It’s possible to run the Administrator App using Wine. but might have some issues here and there.
ParticipantThanks, it’s quite convenient.
I think the device status can cover 99% of use cases.JW
ParticipantSCADA supports Active Directory, does it fit your need?
ParticipantTested again, confirmed they are all UTC time.
I made some mistakes while introducing posixtime, forgetting the conversion between timezone has been handled automatically.
No problem now.
ParticipantI get most command done except the login…
use wireshark captured 3 login data, the “Encrypted Password String Bytes” are different each time.
02003d000000cce90c32cd62e16f020009005363616461436f6d6d20004244383437323932323946453046443831343932394339393445354132393430000000000000 02003d000000e7bc670599955ad1020009005363616461436f6d6d20004343464338394230304237383246353231344434343837434431304341354545000000000000 02003d0000006c50d7e367885fa3020009005363616461436f6d6d20003631453934424138324433453145363036323643313743374236383633334339000000000000
So the string bytes should be not directly the “Encrypted Password encrypt password tool”.
Some further encryption operation has been done to the password before packing it into bytes.
Is there any instruction on this?
Participantmy mistake, misinterpreted the string in the doc, the string format description is correct.
ParticipantComparing the network traffic, I found a mismatch of the protocol document.
for the 0x0002 function,
for the field of username, password, instance,
actually should be
length of username (2bytes),
length of password (2bytes),
length of instance (2bytes),
ParticipantI am confused with the encrypted password meaning for the API.
for the HelloWorld Project, default ScadaComm account
Plain test pw = scada
pw from user table = F9A226BC671CB198C7D83ADEA0B1F2B8
pw from encrypt password tool = B9D0F030265751578B00E9801C69320C
secrete key = 0E063D581B1DB27B8E984993DED65CE99284A706756C706C7F3B12C44BD55D4Dfor the API 0x0002 login, a field say encrypted password, does it mean the pw from encrypt password tool? or I need to do AES encryption again using pw from encrypt password tool with secrete key
Participantfinally found the issue, in the password field of the xml, can not use the password copy from user table.
need to use the password generated from the Project Tools -> Encrypt Password.